Friendship Series: Addyson and Taylin, George Washington Softball

It’s always hard at the end of a school year when friends and teammates graduate. Last season, two of Addyson’s closest teammates, Dani and Val, left George Washington University at the end of the season. In their absence, the entire softball team stepped up—but one teammate in particular bonded with Addyson: her friend, Taylin. “Taylin had big shoes to fill,” said Addyson’s mom, Michelle, “She has gone above and beyond this season. We couldn’t have requested anything more.”

When it came to nominating a Teammate of the Year, Addyson knew Taylin had her vote. Even though she was in the middle of a flare, Addyson pushed through to no “Taylin has provided me with so much support since being matched with GW,” Addyson said. “She has been my rock through appointments, surgeries, recoveries, and setbacks. She also celebrates every win with me.”

“She’s always a step ahead of what we need and provides so much love and support and inspiration,” Michelle said. Addyson, who lives with multiple medical diagnoses including dysautonomia, a fever syndrome, and nocturnal epilepsy, has regular doctors’ appointments, daily medicines, and frequent procedures. Knowing her teammates are behind her, Addyson approaches her daily regimens with a new mindset. “[Addyson has] more positive emotions going into doctors’ appointments,” Michelle said. “[My favorite part is] just the uplifting spirit the girls have.”

When Addyson had a big surgery in a different state last fall, the team checked in every day to see how she was feeling, and that weekend they all came together on Zoom to cheer Addyson up and help distract her from her post-op recovery. Addyson and her teammates frequently keep in touch on GroupMe, and Taylin plans lots of fun activities when Addyson is on campus. “Addyson and the entire GW softball team have just clicked,” Michelle said. “The team has provided so much love and support to Addyson through every hospital stay, ever ER visit, and every surgery.”