Friendship Series: Zachary and Nick, Roger Williams Baseball

It’s often a little nerve-wracking to meet a new group of people for the first time. That first impression can leave a lasting mark that can influence the growth of that new relationship. When Zachary was on his way to Roger Williams to meet his new baseball teammates for the first time, he was nervous. But the second he met Nick, all those nerves melted away, and it their place came an immediate bond that will stay with both Zachary and Nick forever.

“Nick made a great first impression on Zachary,” Zachary’s mom, Brittany, recalled. At that first practice, Zachary and Nick were playing catch. Nick was crouching down in a catcher’s position Zachary thought made him look like a monkey. “Nick was being goofy and caught Zachary’s attention right away,” Brittany said. “From that day on, Zachary gave Nick the nickname ‘Monkey.’”

This first impression blossomed into a relationship that shaped both Zachary and Nick’s perspectives and helped them create so many fun memories together. “Whenever Zachary shouts, ‘MONKEY!’ Nick responds with monkey noises,” Brittany said. “Whenever Zachary tries to get Nick’s attention, Nick is great about taking a second to say hi, wave, etc., even if it’s during an intense game.

As Zachary considered who he wanted to nominate as his Teammate of the Year, it was clear Nick was at the top of his list. “Zachary connected with Nick immediately, and he thinks Nick is the greatest person,” Brittany recalled. “Nick is SO patient and kind with Zachary. I believe he has helped Zachary gain more confidence, and that means so much to us!”

Though Zachary and Nick initially connected through their shared loved of sports and silliness, they soon discovered other things they both love. Zachary loves the trampoline park, and bringing his teammates to his favorite trampoline park is one of his favorite memories. Like many friendships, Zachary and Nick’s bond also grew through food. “One day, we stayed after practice and went to the cafeteria with Nick and another teammate,” Brittany recalled. “Nick didn’t want his dessert, so he let Zachary pick out an ice cream. Zachary talked about it for days!”

Zachary’s comfort with Nick quickly flourished into comfort with the entire Roger Williams baseball team. “He feels very special around the team and like they are HIS team,” Brittany said. “Zachary’s confidence has grown. He’s more sure of himself and not afraid to talk to someone new.” Even if meeting new people can be nerve-wracking sometimes, Nick and the Roger Williams baseball team helped Zachary see that the nerves are often well worth it.